Why should you buy

Everyone harbours a dream of buying an affordable flat in Gurgaon under the affordable housing scheme in Gurugram. With rentals, …...

All you need to

Launched in 2013, HUDA Affordable Housing Policy intends to usher the completion and planning of Group Housing Projects. Under these …...

What to look for

Buying a house is tough, especially searching for one. To make things easier for you, here are few things to …...

Affordable Housing forms to

The department of town and country planning is seeking a smooth allotment of flats in affordable housing projects, hence it …...

Key features of Haryana’s

The government of Haryana came up with another affordable housing policy, in February. The policy focuses on providing affordable housing, …...

Gurgaon: Future of affordable

Gurgaon’s real estate has witnessed significant changes in recent years. Due to the rapid increase in corporate houses and MNCs, …...